
【公告】First Modern Pentathlon Competition held in Singapore

Preparations for the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (Singapore 2010) are well in progress, with the Singapore Sports School (SSS) being the latest competition venue to show its readiness for the Games.

The SSS is hosting the first modern pentathlon qualification competition in Singapore from 19 to 20 December 2009. The Asia-Oceania Youth Olympic Games Qualification Competition will see 27 athletes from eight National Olympic Committees (NOCs) vying for a chance to compete at Singapore 2010.

The competition is an opportunity for the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) to put into practice their planning in venue operations, training of officials and volunteers who will be managing competitions during Singapore 2010.

Mr Klaus Schormann, president of Union International de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM), gave his vote of confidence to preparations for the modern pentathlon events in Singapore 2010. “The facilities and organisation is on par with what we would have in an international championship, and the equipment is also in great condition. Singapore 2010 has certainly created more interest in the sport of modern pentathlon, and I look forward to seeing participation from more young pentathletes in Singapore.”

“In hosting the first Youth Olympic Games, we hope to create a lasting sports legacy for Singapore. The introduction of modern pentathlon and formation of the Singapore Modern Pentathlon Association (SIMPA) have added to the vibrancy of the local sporting scene,” said Mr Goh Kee Nguan, Chief Executive Officer of SYOGOC. “Some of the competition venues are right in the heartlands. This is a chance for members of the public to learn more about different sports, and at the same time, lend their support to the Games,” he added.

Athletes taking part in this qualification competition would have been training for this moment since the beginning of this year. For many of them, it will be the only chance they will get to qualify for Singapore 2010, as the only other opportunity is the World Youth A Championships in April 2010 in Sweden.

It is also the first opportunity that Singaporean pentathletes have to compete in an international competition. Singapore representatives will be selected from this competition to compete in the Singapore 2010.

About Singapore 2010

Singapore will be hosting the inaugural Youth Olympic Games from 14 to 26 August 2010. The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games will receive some 5,000 athletes and officials from the 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs), along with estimated 1,200 media representatives, 20,000 local and international volunteers, and more than 500,000 spectators. Young athletes – aged between 14 and 18 years – will compete in 26 sports and take part in a Culture and Education Programme.

The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games aims to inspire youth around the world to embrace, embody and express the Olympic values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect. It will create a lasting sports, culture and education legacy for Singapore and youths from around the world, as well as enhance and elevate the sporting culture locally and regionally.

For more information, please visit www.singapore2010.sg

Issued by: Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee